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How do I sign up? 

Click on the REGISTER tab above to register for the weekend. Please register as soon as you can to save your spot -- we have plenty of room, but not an infinite number of spots. The registration deadline is Wednesday, October 18 at 11:59 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS.


When does it start?  

Please arrive to the Archdiocesan Chancery at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 10, 2017. The address is 171 Clifton Ave. Newark, NJ. 

*We will be taking a charter bus out to the retreat center, but you are welcome to leave your cars in the Chancery parking garage, which will be locked and safe during the weekend.


When does it end?  

We will conclude at about 1:30 pm on Sunday, November 12, 2017. Lunch on Sunday will be included in the retreat. We should arrive back to the Chancery by 3:30 pm.


Where is the retreat?  

The entire retreat will take place at the St. Francis Center for Renewal at 395 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem, PA. 


How will I get there?  

All students are required to take the bus. If an exception needs to be made based on an emergency situation, contact your school's campus ministry staff. Also, contact your school's campus minister to to arrange transportation to and from the Chancery.


What should I pack?  



Comfortable, modest clothing, toiletries, towel, Bible, journal, rosary, or anything else you'd like to use in personal prayer time. Linens and pillows will be provided by the center. In the spirit of focusing on God and building community on the retreat, please DO NOT PACK laptops, homework, or things that will be a distraction from the weekend for you. Anyone with alcohol, drugs, weapons, or other items deemed harmful by the staff will be asked to leave the retreat. 


Can I bring my phone? 

We will not take your phones away from you, and we encourage you to take photos at appropriate times during the weekend, exchange contact information with your new friends, and be punctual for activites. However, we ask that you keep your phone on airplane mode (or silent, off, or in your room) during prayer times, talks, etc. so that you, and those around you, can make the most of this weekend. You won't need an alarm clock for the weekend. 


What is the cost for the weekend? 

The cost for the weekend is $40 per person. This includes food, transportation, sleeping accommodations, and supplies for the weekend. If money presents a difficulty, scholarships are available -- please contact your campus' campus ministry staff for info. 


How can I pay? 

You can pay cash or by check to your campus ministry staff members (checks should be made payable to "Catholic Newman Club"), or you can pay online using this website (and a secure PayPal account) -- click on the Pay Online tab above to do so. For other payment options, contact your school's campus ministry staff. 


What if I have allergies, medication I need to take, or special dietary needs? 

We will do our best to accommodate any special needs this weekend, including food allergies and special dietary needs. Please include this important information in your registration form, and check with your campus' campus ministry staff to make sure they are aware of your needs. 


Have any other questions?  

Speak to your campus' campus ministry staff members about your concerns, or click on the CONTACT A STAFF MEMBER page for their information. 

Important Retreat Information

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